Accelerated allergy treatment (AAT)

We’re now offering intralymphatic immunotherapy, or what we refer to as Accelerated Allergy Treatment (AAT), a breakthrough allergy treatment that offers patients relief from allergy symptoms with fewer treatments and faster results. Traditional allergy injections require 3-5 yrs of treatment, but with our Accelerated Allergy Treatment, you can expect relief from allergy symptoms after 3 injections spaced 4 weeks apart. To learn more about this new service, watch the video below and read the frequently asked questions.

If you would like to book an appointment or have questions, please call us at (727) 327-5719 or request an appointment online.


Watch this short video that helps explain more about our new Accelerated Allergy Treatment:



FREQUENtly asked questions


Intralymphatic immunotherapy, which we call Advanced Allergy Treatment (AAT), is a cutting-edge allergy treatment that offers patients relief from allergy symptoms after only 3 injections spaced 4 weeks apart. When compared to traditional allergy injections that require 3-5 years of treatment, you can understand why we’re thrilled to be able to offer patients this new exciting new procedure. This treatment works by introducing allergens to your immune system in a way that creates tolerance.

WHAT can I expect during treatment?

Initially, you will be evaluated by Dr. Mona Mangat and undergo allergy skin prick testing to identify if you are allergic. After a discussion of all treatment options, you and Dr. Mangat can decide if AAT is the right fit for you. If we decide to proceed, Dr. Mangat will create your specific allergy serum bottles that will be used during your treatment.

On the day of treatment, you will arrive at our 4th St. office and be prepped by our nurse for a small injection in your groin. Board Certified Radiologist, Dr. Gagandeep Mangat, will then perform the injection under ultrasound guidance to ensure perfect placement of the serum. You will then wait in our waiting room for 1 hour during which time we will have snacks and WiFi available to you.

what are the Benefits of AAT vs traditional allergy injections?

  1. Fewer injections – Because we can introduce the allergens directly to the lymph nodes where all of the immune processing occurs we can reduce the number of injections needed to reach desensitization.

  2. Faster results- Traditional allergy injections require a 3 to 5 year commitment to see full benefits. This new treatment offers results within 3 to 4 months after 3 sets of injections spaced out 4 weeks apart. We do recommend treatment be completed at least 8 weeks prior to your worst allergy season to realize relief. 

what are the Risks of AAT Treatment?

As with any allergy treatment that introduces allergen into your body, there is a risk of anaphylaxis. In general, ILIT is very well tolerated and has been studied for the past 20 years. Other rare complications can include site reactions like bleeding and bruising, infection, and nerve or tissue damage. Just as with traditional allergy injections we require that you have an Epi-pen with you on the day of your treatment.

What can be treated with AAT?

Most typical inhaled allergens can be treated with AAT - tree pollens, grass pollens, weed pollens, animal dander, mold, and dust mites. Food allergies are not treated via AAT.


If you would like to book an appointment or have questions, please call us at (727) 327-5719 or request an appointment online.